Shoulder pain is a symptom which has many causes. Examples of painful shoulder disorders include:
Frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis, is characterised by a painful and gradual loss of shoulder movements.
Shoulder impingement a painful condition that results when the rotator cuff tendons get pinched as they pass through a narrow bony space (subacromial space) during movements of the arm.
Rotator cuff disorders the rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that surround the shoulder joint and help to keep it stable
Shoulder instability when the structures around the shoulder do not work well to keep the ball in its socket.
Acromioclavicular joint (ACJ) disorders conditions that affect the acromioclavicular joint, which is the joint at the top of the shoulder
Osteoarthritis is a condition that affects the joints and causes damage to the cartilage and mild swelling of the tissues around the joints. Cartilageis the strong, smooth surface that lines the bones and allows joints to move easily and without friction. Osteoarthritis in the shoulder can affect:
- Acromioclavicular joint (ACJ)–the joint at the top of the shoulder
- Glenohumeral joint–the main ball and socket joint of the shoulder
Shoulder disorders are common. About 3 in 10 adults are affected by these types of conditions at any one time.
Frozen shoulder and rotator cuff disorders are most common in middle-aged and older people.
Shoulder instability and acromioclavicular joint disorders tend to affect younger people, particularly men who play certain sports.